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<source lang="c"> /* Test program to check LCD display connections from a PIC 16F873 */ /* Part of the rugby clock project. - Tim Styles 25/4/11 */ /* */ /* This version is written to use the Hi-Tech lite (free) compiler */

  1. include <htc.h>

/* Configure with crystal oscillator and no low-voltage programming */ __CONFIG(FOSC_XT & LVP_OFF);

/* Wait, pulse the Enable line high for 20 us and wait again */ clk() {

  _delay( 40 );
  RB1 = 1;             /* Enable line = high                        */
  _delay( 20 );        /* Wait 20 microseconds (with 4MHz clock)    */
  RB1 = 0;             /* Enable line = low                         */
  _delay( 40 );


/* Minimum configuration for LCD display (set cursor and turn on) */ /* Then send the characters 'Hello World!' and wait for the watchdog */ /* timer causes a reset */ void main() {

  TRISB = 0b00000000;
  TRISC = 0b00000000;
  RB2 = 0;             /* Read / Write line = WRITE                 */
  RB3 = 0;             /* Register Select line = command            */
  PORTC = 0x38; clk(); /* Small cursor, two lines, 8 bit interface  */
  PORTC = 0x0C; clk(); /* Turn on display, no cursor                */
  RB3 = 1;             /* Register Select line = data               */
  PORTC = 'H'; clk();
  PORTC = 'e'; clk();
  PORTC = 'l'; clk();
  PORTC = 'l'; clk();
  PORTC = 'o'; clk();
  PORTC = ' '; clk();
  PORTC = 'W'; clk();
  PORTC = 'o'; clk();
  PORTC = 'r'; clk();
  PORTC = 'l'; clk();
  PORTC = 'd'; clk();
  PORTC = '!'; clk();
  while(1);            /* Wait indefinitely (until watchdog reset)  */

} </source>