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PIC Software - lcd.c for Hi-Tech

<source lang="c"> /* This version is written to use the Hi-Tech lite (free) compiler */

  1. include <htc.h>
  1. include "lcd.h"

void lcd_command( char command ) /* Sends the given command to the LCD display. Most of the commands are */ /* defined in the header. This function will wait for the busy flag on the */ /* display to clear before sending the command and returning. */ {

  LCD_RS_LINE = 0;
  PORTC = command;
  LCD_EN_LINE = 0;
  _delay( 40 );
  LCD_EN_LINE = 1;
  if (command == LCD_CLEAR || command == LCD_CUR_HOME)
     _delay( 1500 );


void lcd_character( char character ) /* Sends the given character to the LCD display. ASCII Numbers and letters */ /* are valid, and punctuation below 0x7F. Characters 0x00 to 0x0F are the */ /* Generated Characters, which will be blank initially. Other useful symbols */ /* and Greek characters may be found in the range 0x80 to 0xFF */ {

  LCD_RS_LINE = 1;
  PORTC = character;
  LCD_EN_LINE = 0;
  _delay( 40 );
  LCD_EN_LINE = 1;


void lcd_number( int number ) /* Sends the given number to the LCD display, with up to 2 characters. This */ /* limits number to 100 */ {

  int tens = 0;
  int units = 0;
  while( number > 9 )
     number -= 10;
  units = number;
  lcd_character( '0' + tens );
  lcd_character( '0' + units );


void lcd_initialise( int size ) /* Initialises the display incase the initialisation at startup failed or the */ /* cursor size is to be changed. 'size' is LCD_SIZE_SMALL or LCD_SIZE_LARGE */ {

  LCD_RW_LINE = 0;
  lcd_command( size );
  lcd_command( LCD_DISP_OFF );
  lcd_command( LCD_DISP_ON );
  lcd_command( LCD_CUR_INC );
  lcd_command( LCD_CLEAR );

} </source>